sábado, 1 de janeiro de 2011

Deadline for aviation English test for pilots and controllers approaches

Language skills can be as important to flyers as ability
at the controls.
The date approaches, when commercial aircraft pilots, who operate international routes, must have passed an English test, showing that their aviation spoken and comprehensive English is at least of ICAO’s Level 4. By 1 March, 2011 pilots, as well as experienced air traffic control officers (ATCO), according to ICAO’s Level 4 standard, will have to be able to make themselves clear in basic English and have the certificate proving this in order not to lose license for international operations.

While examining special attention is paid, whether pilots are able to explain a problem or ask for help in specific situations. This is done in order to avoid disasters, which can be managed communicating clearly. According to ICAO, there were at least seven such accidents. One of them was Avianca Boeing 707 that crashed in New York due to crew’s inability to explain that the aircraft was lacking of fuel. 

The requirement for sufficient English knowledge became more relevant, when more and more airlines from small countries, where English is not mother tongue, entered global aviation market.

Although ICAO announced the requirement two years ago most of the airlines did nothing that their pilot would get the language certificates. Due to this reason currently the backlog at most examining places is nearly years long and aviation specialists should hurry improving their knowledge and getting the certificates.

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