quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

Air Baltic Pilot Interview Preparation

Air Baltic Interview is a two day assessment. Day one consist of Human Resource questions. 25 general ATPL questions, 25 Operational Procedure questions. If the applicant hold a type rating on Air Baltic's fleet, then there will be some technical questions on that specific type. 

Technical Interview with a TRE, this can be done on day one or day two. The first day is finished with a sim assessment. Day two consist of psychological tests, such as IQ tests. 

Below is a list of questions that has been asked during Air Baltic pilot assessments. Latestpilotjobs.com doesn't guarantee that the exact questions below will be asked during your assessment. 

Air Baltic Technical Questions with TRE
  1. What do you do if you have engine failure? 
  2. What do you do if you have a com failure?
  3. What do You do if You find a crack in the airframe of the aircraft during the walkaround?
  4. What do you do if you lose an engine after V1?
  5. You are Pilot Not flying and notice, on final, that the speed is high! What do you do?
  6. Questions might be asked on Approach chart out of Riga?
  7. Questions might be asked on SID charts out of Riga?
  8. What is a DA?
  9. What is a MDA?
  10. What is MSA?
  11. What happens with temperature and pressure when a warm front passes through?
  12. How does a wet runway affect your takeoff?
  13. What is MZFM?
  14. Sometimes Questions will be asked on the previous aircraft flown or trained in!
  15. What kind of engine does it have?
  16. How does the landing system works in that type of aircraft?
  17. Tell me about the Electrical System?
Air Baltic Human Resource Questions 
  1. What do you know about Air Baltic?
  2. Why do you want to join Air Baltic?
  3. How do You feel about moving to Riga?
  4. What salary do you expect?
  5. What are the three best things about you?
  6. What is the negative side about you?
  7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  8. What can you contribute to Air Baltic?
  9. Why did you want to be a pilot?
  10. Why do you wan to leave your current job?
  11. What did you like about your training?
Air Baltic Sim Assessment 

Simulator sessions at Air Baltic varies depending on the applicants Experience. Non rated pilots usually takeoff and practice some general handling such as, steep turns, climb/descent, maintaining speed and altitude. Radial tracking, NDB tracking (QDR, QDM) fallowed by an ILS approach. 

Type rated pilots on B-737 might expect a departure out of Riga RWY 36/18 fallowed by a VOR/DME or ILS. Expect a single engine approach and a lot of hand flying.

Air Baltic Technical Questions and quiz on Boeing 737 Classic
  1. To use the APU for air conditioning, on the ground/engines shut down, -3/4/500 series aircraft, you should select?
  2. What happens If the Left DUCT OVERHEAT light illuminates on the B737-300/500 aircraft?
  3. What is the maximum differential pressure (pressure relief valve operation)?
  4. The cabin Altitude Warning horn will sound When?
  5. The maximum cabin differential pressure for take-off and landing is?
  6. When does the outflow valve switch controls the main outflow valve?
  7. What are the positions of air conditioning pack switch?
  8. When ARMED when will the emergency exit lights automatically come on?
  9. The emergency exit lights and signs are powered by?
  10. With the Battery Switch ON and no AC power connected, available cockpit lighting includes?The passenger cabin Emergency Exit light switch is located at?
  11. What powers Emergency Exit lights?
  12. What happens if some of the electric power is lost?
  13. How does the Isolation valve operate?
  14. What is Electrical in isolation valve?
  15. What is pneumatic in isolation valve?
  16. Each fuel tanks contains? AC or DC fuel pumps
  17. The CFM56-3 N1 rotor section consists of?
  18. The Engine Fire Extinguisher system contains?
  19. What should be the first action in the event of a Fire Warning?
  20. During the Engine Fire drill, the pneumatic ISOLATION VALVE switch should be selected to? 
  21. What is the power source for the APU Fire Detection?
  22. What it the power source for the Wheel Well Fire Detection?
  23. What is the power source for the Lavatory Smoke Detector?
  24. What is the power source for the Engine Fire Extinguishing system?
  25. The AC STANDBY BUS power can be supplied from?
  26. What is the battery voltage range in Boeing 737 Classic?
  27. If, in flight, both engine generators fail, the APU generator should be connected to?

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