quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

When to use Some and Any

Some and any are used to state the quantity, amount of something. When using some or any the exact number is not stated. Some and any are quantifiers.
Some and any can be used when:
  • The exact number is not known.
  • The exact number is not important or relevant.
  • Some and any are used with countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Any - Any is used with:
  • Negative sentences
  • When asking a question.
  • Any is used when a sentence is grammatically positive, but the meaning of the sentence is negative.
  • Do you have any ice cream left?
  • I don't have any money today. I am getting paid on Friday.
  • My brother never does any thing good.
Some - Some is used with:
  • Positive sentences. When asking a question, if the answer the expected answer to be positive.
  • The children have so free time.
  • Please buy some bananas.
  • Can I have a glass of tea?

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