quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

Qatar Airways Cabin Crew interview

The assessment can be for two or three days, depending on how you applied. If you are going there during the open day then you should expect a three day assessment. If you have applied through Qatar Airways website and have been short - listed then expect a 2 day assessment, the first day open house will be excluded.

Cabin Crew Open Day - Day 1:

The first day is just an open day, a kind of information session. The recruitment officers will make a representation about Qatar, Doha and Qatar Airways. then you will have a chance to ask some questions. At the end they will collect C.V.s and while doing that few basic questions will be asked.

The questions are:
  1. Do you have any experience as a Cabin Crew?
  2. How old are you ?
  3. What are you doing at the moment?
  4. Do you live here? or are you here for vacation?
  5. After handing over you C.V.s to the recruiters you will need to wait for their phone call. Make sure you give them an updated phone number. If you are from aboard they will tell you to give them the phone number to the hotel or a good friend perhaps.
Assessment Day - Day 2

The candidates that recived the phone call the previous day will attend day 2. At this day you will be given a written English test, which needs to be finished in 45 minutes. The test has few sections. a) The first section might be a couple of questions with multiple answers. b) Then a short essay about yourself and, c) another essay about a topic they give.

a) The first section in the test is made up mainly of questions about words and their alternative meanings. Since Qatar Airways change the words frequently in this section of the English test, we are unable to inform you with the exact words been asked.

b) In this section give them a brief, short essay about yourself and your goals.

c) The topic that you might see are the following:

  • What was the most difficult situation in your life and how did you handle it?
  • Tell us when u have given 5 star customer service?
During the test candidates will be called one by one to reach a specified height, the height is 210 cm. Gentlemen should reach it standing normally on your feet and for ladies they can stand on the fingertips. Applicants might go through a weight and height measurement.

The First Group Activity:

After the essay candidates will be divided in two groups to discuss a certain topic. This is a group activity. The topics that has been discussed are:

  1. Organize a honeymoon.
  2. How to plan the itinerary for a family.
  3. Discuss the most recent situations that took place around the world.
  4. Discuss the economic crises and how to deal with it.During the discussion with other candidates, recruiters from Qatar will be walking around and observing each candidate.
  5. After the discussions the recruiters will make their first shortlisting. Half of the group will not be successful.
The Second Group Activity:

Once again candidates will be divided into two groups and discuss about situation that may happen on board an airplane. Candidates need to find a solution to the problems discussed. 

Problems that has been discussed are:
  1. Find a solution to overbooking
  2. Passenger complaining of chest paint
  3. A mother of a 4 year old allowing her child to run around the cabin
  4. The smell of cigarettes in the toilet
  5. The Captain saying he is hungryIt is strongly recommended during your group discussion to smile a lot, be nice and respectful to other people and don't try to be a group leader. Give the recruiters a message that you are very easy to get along with, and easy to adjust to a group.
If candidates are successful during the second group activity they will be invited for a panel interview. This is the final interview and will take place the next day (assessment day 3).

The question that will be asked during you final interview are the following:
  1. Tell us about yourself
  2. Do you have a cabin crew experience ?
  3. Why do you want to become a cabin crew ?
  4. Do you have any experience doing a customer service job ?
  5. Tell us about a bad experience with a customer and how did you deal with it
  6. Give us an example of good customer service and bad customer service?
  7. What's the one thing that you dislike in a friend?
  8. What would you do if you find that particular attitude in your friend? etc
  9. Tell me a time where you have had to provide good customer service?
  10. Have you lived and shared accommodation before with anyone? if yes, how did you experience it?
  11. Which nationality do you think you will not get along with?
  12. Are you parents happy you are applying for this job?
  13. Tell us about Qatar Airways?
  14. How big is our fleet size? And what type of aircraft we operate?
Successful candidates will get their results after 2-4 weeks.

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